What a wedding!! I had so much fun with Aaron and Lisa.. from the engagement photos to the wedding day, they have been awesome and I have enjoyed my time with them SO very much... I had met Aaron and Lisa a few years ago on New Year's Eve (im pretty sure it was a little after they started dating if I remember correctly..?) at Kay's house (one of their bridesmaids). They were a riot then.. and still are! I was absolutely honored when they asked me to capture their wedding. Getting to know these two has been awesome and I couldn't be more happy for them! There wedding day was filled with fun, laughter and it was laid back- which fits these two to a "T".
Her dress was absolutely stunning. The detail was amazing!
and.. her ring is even more stunning!
Her bridesmaids and mom were all in on putting her dress on and making sure everything was perfect! There was not a shortage of helping hands here!
Lisa and her sisters... cant you tell?!?! LOL There was a bit of confusion before the ceremony when someone thought they saw Lisa in a bridesmaids dress.
The groomsmen were HIL-AR-I-OUS! I dont think i've ever laughed so hard...
But.. i must say i loved these red chairs.
Aaron proposed in a corn field, so it was very fitting that husks were brought into the church decor.
Yes, the church has red carpet.. but- it was actually very cool!
Waiting for the ceremony to start....
Like i said.. the day was full of laughter. The whole church was laughing at this point with a comment the minister had said in regards to marriage and what Aaron's new duties are. :D
LOVE her dress.. i know i've said it before.. but honestly! Look at the detail!
HA!!! YEA!!! i was all about the sunglasses!
Rollin' like rock stars!
Even mom got in on the limo music!
... always a helping hand(s) ready when she needed!
LOL.. Love it.. I was laughing so hard at this point... it was hard to keep the camera still.
The maid-of-honor got the honor of wearing chicken feet slippers for the chicken dance.. and Aaron and Lisa 50 years from now.
It's a Brandau thing I guess.. "fishin' in the dark"
Yay!! Congratulations again you guys!