Thursday, August 29, 2013

Just had to share...

This is actually pretty amazing. I looked at the b/w, then the color and back to b/w. I felt very different about the b/w when I went back to them. When I first looked, I was trying to get a sense of what the day or conversation around the photo was like. It made me truly think about the emotion and the photo as a whole. Then when I saw it in color, it completely changed my thoughts, like they are just enjoying another day as we would at our jobs, daily life, vacation, etc (although times have changed a bit). Going back to the b/w after seeing it in color was hard for me. It took away all those thoughts of what it was like... The mystery if you will. I almost wish I hadn't seen the color, but am glad to have as well. What do you think?

Sunday, August 4, 2013

{Jordan Senior Photos}: Fargo Senior Photographer

Last weekend, I took my gorgeous step-daughters senior photos. We traveled around downtown Fargo and then went to Pelican Lake. I had a two wonderful assistants with me, aka- my husband, and my youngest step-daughter, Sydney.

So Jordan has been talking, for quite some time, about cutting her hair. She asked all of us and her most trusted friends what she should do.. should she wait to cut her hair before or after her senior photos. We all gave her the same advice, she's always had longer hair (except for when she was little), so to keep her hair longer for the senior photos-so she did. She decided this week, that she was going to cut her hair. When she arrived at the salon, she asked how much she would need for Locks of Love. She was told at least 10 inches, so being the kind-hearted, brave girl she is, she went for it! Now, I look at these photos and think, she doesn't the same at all... she now looks so much older. So, you may be seeing some updated senior photos soon. :) Here are a few of my favorites from our -prehaircut- senior session. Enjoy!

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